
Bronze Award

Thinking about Bronze DofE with QMHS then watch these videos. The award can be typically started at the end of year 8 and should be complete by the summer of year 9. The longest duration any section of the award can take is 6 full calendar month. Some students do more but that is up to the individual.

So what's involved...

and from a parents point of view...

Students typically work on organising their sections from the July of year 8 and possibly start some of them before they get enrolled in September. If you do it right and take all of the advice you can get your award before you enter year 10.

Training is an integral part of the Bronze experience and is done in school during lunchtimes and after school. It is essential and is one of the 20 conditions of the expedition part of the program. QMHS expeditions usually take place in late May and the qualifying expedition is done at the end of June.

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