No snakes his year but lots of interesting things to see! |
On the 23rd May 72 girls all met up at QMHS with excitement and nerves about the prospect of camping and being self sufficient for 3 days. The girls got into their paired groups and set off from Castle ring with their supervisors to complete their final aspects of the training program. The weather was fabulous and the girls had a long day to implement all of their learning. Most groups walked between 12 and 15 km. Well done to all.
Group 1 |
Group 7 |
Next it was to set up camp and get cooking. All teams did really well and everyone was in good spirits and positive about the next two practice days that would follow.
Camp all set, where's the food... |
Group 6 |
Thursday was over to the students, they had various circular routes to follow, taking in lots of good scenery of Cannock Chase. The girls all did really well with their navigation. All groups were set up and cooking their food in record time this year. Maybe the prospect of eating Smore's was the motivator!
Day 2 stepping stone...steady girls! |
Coppice Hill Car park checkpoint
Bronze Duke of Edinburgh 2018
Smore's time
Last day! Well the evening was nice until the darkness, cloud and rain descended. Frinday morning was basically wet. It rained and it poured pretty much all day. The girls had a real challenge with how to deal with packing up and getting ready in the rain. Hopefully it will have taught them lots about the sequence things have to come in. Some would have had very wet inner tents had they have been camping another night! The drying process that followed once off expedition also needs reflection. It is essential that all kit is aired and dried completely before being packed away.
Well done everyone. Now let's make the qualification expedition even better. Keep working hard on your sections and get those routes completed. Remember to use the resources on classroom if you still need inspiration for your expedition aim.